
Payments are accepted in cash, by credit card or mobile phone, and by bank transfer.


Cash payments are accepted for stationary classes and classes with the commute option, as well as other services provided in direct contact with the client.

Credit card and mobile payments

At the beginning of 2021, AKADEMIA joined the Cashless Poland [Polska Bezgotówkowa] program, thanks to which it is possible to pay by card or mobile phone for stationary classes and classes with the commute option, as well as other services provided in direct contact with the client.

Smart D220 terminal


In case of online classes, translations and editorial work, as well as in situations where there is no direct contact with the client, payments should be made by bank transfer.

Transfer details:
07 1050 1748 1000 0097 3624 9336 (ING Bank Śląski)
AKADEMIA JĘZYKOWA Maciej Henryk Dąbrowski
ul. Tatarska 11/9, 59-220 Legnica

Please write the type of service in the title of the transfer, e.g.
language course – English
tutoring – history
translation – Latin

as the number of the invoice, if it has already been issued.

Upon prior request, it is also possible to pay in foreign currencies (EUR, GBP, USD) to a separate foreign currency account number.


Za świadczone usługi wystawiane są faktury bez VAT (zgodnie z przysługującym zwolnieniem przewidzianym w ustawie o podatku od towarów i usług).

sample invoice