Price list

Valid from 1 July 2022 to 30 June 2023.

All the prices are given in Polish złoty (PLN).
Upon prior request, it is also possible to pay in foreign currencies (EUR, GBP, USD). The exchange rate used is that of the National Bank of Poland.


Prices for 60 minutes of classes per person.

Modern languages
English, Italian, French, Polish as a foreign language

levelindividually2 people3 people4 people
A1-B1+70 PLN50 PLN40 PLN35 PLN
B2/B2+80 PLN60 PLN50 PLN45 PLN
C1-C290 PLN70 PLN60 PLN55 PLN
business and specialised language: + 10 PLN

Ancient languages
Latin, Greek, Hebrew

levelindividually2 people3 people4 people
beginner70 PLN50 PLN40 PLN35 PLN
intermediate80 PLN60 PLN50 PLN45 PLN
advanced90 PLN70 PLN60 PLN55 PLN

history: 70 PLN

ancient history: 80 PLN


Prices for each started page (1800 characters with spaces).

Written translation

into Polishfrom Polishspecialised texts
English45 PLN48 PLN+ 5-15 PLN
Italian45 PLN50 PLN+ 5-15 PLN
French45 PLN50 PLN+ 5-15 PLN
Latin60 PLN80 PLN+ 10-40 PLN
Ancient Greek60 PLN+ 10-40 PLN
Biblical Hebrew60 PLN+ 10-40 PLN
Church Slavonic60 PLN+ 10-40 PLN
Ukrainian60 PLN+ 10-40 PLN

Proofreading and editing

Prices for each started page (1800 characters with spaces).

regular textspecialised text
text formatting3 PLNno additional charges
proofreading6 PLN+ 2-5 PLN
complex editing12 PLN+ 2-5 PLN

Regular customers can expect a discount.
The price for the proofreading of a translation is half of the price for the translation.
The prices listed above are not subject to VAT (in accordance with the exemption provided by the law).